Published Work

Journal articles

WAC_150px‘For ‘ALL who were captured’? The evolution of national ex-prisoner of war associations in Britain after the Second World War’, Journal of War and Culture Studies, 7, 3 (August 2014), pp.253-68.

Veterans associations after the Second World War have received very little attention from historians despite the insight they can provide into postwar societies. This article draws upon the literature published by national ex-prisoner of war (POW) associations formed in the aftermath of the Second World War to examine the significance different groups of British ex-POWs attached to their wartime incarceration.

Magazines and newspapers

_84899349_bobmiddleVJ Day: Surviving the horrors of Japan’s WW2 camps (15 August 2015)

This feature tells the remarkable story of the spirit and courage of Far East POWs, which they demonstrated both during the war, and again in peace.


april_cover.back issue‘Compensating the Railway Men’, History Today, 64, 4 (2014).

This article sheds light on an aspect of Far East POWs’ lives that historians have ignored and relatives largely forgotten: the ‘Claim’ for compensation. From the late 1940s, Far East ex-POWs in Britain vociferously campaigned for compensation for their treatment during incarceration in the Second World War and eventually received payments, totalling the equivalent of about £1500 in today’s money. The article explores the four aspects of the captivity experience emphasised in the campaign and, by comparing these aspects to dominant discourses today, shows how certain narratives of the captivity experience have endured, whilst others disappeared from discussion.


‘Cycling the Sandakan Death March’, Researching FEPOW History Group (July 2018). This blog is about my trip to Borneo and retracing the steps of British and Australian POWs imprisoned there.